SJ Learns aims to bolster academic achievement by funding promising and innovative expanded learning programs that serve San José public school students in transitional kindergarten (TK) through 3rd grade.  

The SJ Learns program invites San José Local Education Agencies (LEAs; public school districts, charter schools, and charter networks/management organizations) to submit proposals for funds available for the Summer 2025 and the 2025-2026 academic year. The program encourages LEAs to partner with Community-based organizations (CBO) to apply for support of programming.

SJ Learns Strategies and Priorities

SJ Learns strives to equip Local Education Agencies (LEAs) with resources that maximize their expanded learning program budgets, along with those of selected providers, to bolster participation among at-risk students in high-quality expanded learning programs. Furthermore, SJ Learns fosters dialogue among participating LEAs, school sites, program providers, and the broader learning community to enhance understanding of best practices and influence policy. This involves aligning program curriculum with LEA-led initiatives and the California Expanded Learning Quality Standards. Additionally, SJ Learns devises strategies to expand successful programs and establish sustainable funding avenues. 

SJ Learns strategies are outlined in the SJ Learns Theory of Change and the SJ Learns Logic Model.

SJ Learns priorities include:

Whole Child Learning:

Grantees take a whole child approach to education, ensuring San Jose students are healthy, safe, engaged, supported, and challenged.


Grantees partner with city agencies, community-based organizations, businesses, and other entities to improve student outcomes.

Family Engagement:

Grantees encourage trusting relationships between staff and parents, create a sense of community within programs, build parents’ capacity to help improve student outcomes, and empower parents to be active decision makers and lifelong advocates on behalf of their children.

Continuous Quality Improvement:

Grantees are committed to program improvement and ensure programs are aligned to the Quality Standards for Expanded Learning in California.

Quality Standards
Children and teachers seated in a classroom reading.

Who is Eligible:

Public school districts, charter schools, and charter networks/management organizations (LEAs) within San José, serving students in TK-3rd grade, are eligible to apply as the lead applicant. As the lead applicant, these entities can include community-based organizations (CBOs) as sub-grantees. Collaboration with CBOs is strongly encouraged throughout the application process to enhance the program’s effectiveness.

Minimum Eligibility Requirements:

  • Be administered at (or by) a school site (or school sites) with a minimum of 40% of students who qualify for free or reduced-price meals 
  • Serve TK- 3rd grade students who are residents of the City of San José and attend public schools 
  • Demonstrate a clear strategy for recruitment or referral that utilizes available data, including valid and reliable assessments, to ensure the program enrolls students who are both low-income and performing below (or at-risk of performing below) grade-level standards in Mathematics and English Language Arts.
  • Demonstrate alignment with the LEA’s in-person or distance learning programs, as well as the Quality Standards for Expanded Learning in California.

  • Demonstrate alignment with SJ Learns strategies and priorities through the Local Control Accountability Plan (or Local Continuity and Attendance Plan; LCAP). 
  • Ensure that students who are funded with SJ Learns monies are not charged program fees. 
  • Participate as a member (or be open to becoming a member) in the Santa Clara County Office of Education’s DataZone project to collect program data. This is important for the SJ Learns evaluation strategy. 
  • Commit to participate in the Expanded Learning Community of Practice. 
  • SJ Learns partners with the Leo M. Shortino Family Foundation and Cisco Systems’ Community Impact Grant programs to organize an Expanded Learning Community of Practice. All SJ Learns grantees must participate in the Community of Practice, which meets online or in-person at least three times per year. 

Previously awarded applicants must be in good standing (i.e., they must have complied with all reporting deadlines and expectations, met or made significant progress towards previous grant goals, and have been actively engaged in the Community of Practice).

  • Prioritize schools that serve a higher percentage of students who qualify for free or reduced-price meals. 
  • Identify a clear plan to recruit students who do not meet (or are at risk of not meeting) grade-level standards. 
  • Demonstrate an enhanced commitment/innovative approach to implementing SJ Learns strategies and priorities. 
  • Focus on student achievement in both Mathematics and English Language Arts. 
  • Include a clear financial narrative or strategy that shows diversified funding sources other than ASES or 21 Century funds.

Grant Application Process

To begin the application process for the SJ Learns Grant Summer 2025 and AY 2025-2026, please register for an account at the San Jose Public Library Foundation’s Grant Portal, if you haven’t already done so. Once logged in, navigate to the Apply Page, accessible through the menu at the top of the page. 

Upon reaching the Apply Page, click on the Apply menu and then select the Apply button located to the right. This will direct you to the application form.  Please note that the application autosaves your progress, allowing you to return to it as needed. 

If other individuals within your organization or partner organizations require access to edit the proposal, please utilize the Collaborator feature available within the form. 

Information Sessions

We offered two options for interested applicants to attend an information session and engage with the SJ Learns team through Q&A. If you are interested in applying in the future please access the resources from the January 4th meeting.

Student seated at a computer with headphones.


Contact: Jeannette Lee, Program Manager,

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