Dawn Coppin
Chief Executive Officer
Nicole Chitty
Chief Philanthropy Officer
Monique Garcia
Program & Operations Director
Yesenia Ramos
Resilience Corps Learning Pathway Director
Cynthia Cruz
Resilience Corps Learning Pathway Manager
Headshot of Juli Hall.
Juli Hall
Executive Assistant & Board Liaison
Kavitha Kavuri
Database and Operations Manager
Christy La
Development and Digital Marketing Coordinator
Sam Perry
Annual Fund Manager
Headshot of Jodie Pulliam.
Jodie Pulliam
Corporate Partnerships, Senior Manager
Headshot of Chris Santantasio.
Chris Santantasio
Foundation & Government Relations, Senior Manager
Jeannette Lee Headshot
Jeannette Lee
Programs Manager
Aline Mata Vazquez Headshot
Aline Mata Vazquez
Operations Assistant